Teenagers posses qualities that come with being a teenager such as being moody and rebellious, but when these attributes of a teen are at the extremities of there being, it can cause a parent to ponder what is wrong with their child. When parents believe that their teenagers may be addicted to alcohol, having the proper knowledge of what symptoms to look out for is crucial. Commonly seen symptoms related to teen alcohol abuse are lying, breaking curfew, staying in their room, mood swings, stealing, and being verbally an physically abusive to others. ("What are the symptoms..."?) Identifying these symptoms in one's teen can help reveal a teens addiction to alcohol that could have been looked over it was not properly acknowledged. There are numerous reasons why a teen will begin to drink though some reasons are far more common then others. In one's teenage years one begins to associate with different people in order to feel a sense of belonging, but the need for a teen to feel like they belong can cause them to try new things such as experimenting with alcohol. ("The Health Effects of Teen...") At this stage in a teens life their maturity level is so minute that the experimentation with alcohol can be confusing and difficult for a teen to deal with, which is one reason why it is illegal for teens to drink. ("The Health Effects of Teen...") Other possible causes for a teen to drink are the environment and family life of a teen. A teen that lives in a home with substance abuse problems is more likely to become an addict then someone whom has not grown up in that kind of environment. Teenage alcohol abuse can stem from a variety of things, but the way the addiction is dealt with is most important to the teens recovery.
Works Cited:
"The Health Effects of Teen Alcohol Use."Teen Drug Abuse.web.
10 October 2010.
"What are the Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse in Teens?".Medicine Net.web.10 October 2010.
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